Oluntindo Tablet Interface
What is Oluntindo?
Oluntindo is a Coconut-based SMS service that enables citizens to notify district officials of concerns with public services in health, education, or public works through SMS text messaging. Citizens can send an SMS with their location (village, clinic, or school) and problem or message to 7333. This creates a "trouble ticket" which routes to a district health, education, or public works official. While addressing the ticket, the district official also updates to the original sender with the resolution. Each district health, education, and public works official is equipped with a small 3G tablet computer and Coconut Oluntindo mobile application to enable remote communication. District government officials use the mobile application to track and assign incoming requests, respond to citizens, and track the status of citizen requests.
For more information on Oluntindo, click here.
The Oluntindo Tablet Interface
Coconut is designed to facilitate data entry and monitoring the progress of data entry. Oluntindo uses Coconut to enable district government officials to manage, monitor, and respond to request from citizens submitted via SMS text messaging. SMS text messages are displayed in the record listing on the left side of the tablet display. Charts displayed on the right enable users to monitor the number of open and closed requests by category.
The Record Listing
The list of incoming SMS text messages on the left of the display enables users to:
The record listing has the following features:
- Search for message from a specific number
- Link to a new Incident form
- Select a record to display more information about the request.
Administering the Application
Buttons beneath the charts link to administrative features of the application:
- Populate database - generates 100 records in the database. Does not work if there are already records in the database.
- Form designer
- Refresh page - useful when there is a page error.
- Mobile Futon - manipulate the CouchDB
- Login to post comments
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