Usage of Roles in jsp pages

The system checks if a user is admin role in order to display the admin menu:

<li style="margin: 0px 0px 0px 5px;">&nbsp;</li>
<li><html:link href="/zeprs/admin/">Admin</html:link></li>

Another way to do this:

<% if (request.isUserInRole("ALTER_PROGRAMS_AND_SCREEN_APPEARANCE")==true) {
<li><html:link href="/pts/admin/">Admin</html:link></li>
<% }%>

Note that if you add a new role to a user, you must login again as that user in order to test the new role!

The only role granted to the clerk group is CREATE_NEW_PATIENTS_AND_SEARCH. Index.jsp tests if this role is present to determine whether to display the SMC column which indicates hiv status.

<logic:notPresent role="CREATE_NEW_PATIENTS_AND_SEARCH">
<td><c:if test="${row.hiv_positive == true}">R</c:if></td>