Two Target Installations: Server-based and Standalone
Zcore™ is the foundation we use to create easy-to-use data collection applications for different types of projects - from health care to legal case management. It is well-suited for point-of-care applications. Zcore features easy forms creation, multilingual capabilities, and useful networking and data center integration.
There are two different targets for Zcore projects:
- Server-based instances such as ZEPRS in which users access the application over a network using a web browser.
- Standalone instances in which the application is installed on a pc and renders pages into its embedded web browser, which is provided by the Eclipse RCP framework. Data is stored in the application using the embedded database Derby and data can be shared with a remote data center and exported to MySQL database.
This book often refers to these two targets. It is possible to integrate these two targets - for example, a network of standalone Zcore instances may periodically synchronize with a central server.
Focus of this Book
The Zcore Documentation book aggregates information for developers about both types of platform targets, providing information about downloading, installing, and deploying Zcore-based applications. Some of the documentation is oriented towards users; some of it is targeted for developers. This book uses the "cookbook" idiom of software documentation, providing recipes for different domains that may serve as useful references for future project implementations. Some of the pages in this book may feature information about features that are not available in all Zcore implementations. For example, this book features details about the ZEPRS Partograph feature, which is not available in the standalone TIMS application.
Follow the Contact Us link if you have any questions about Zcore.
Different Implementations, One Book - Most of the time
This book atttemps to aggregate information from different Zcore implemetations into a unified document, in some cases the information is too proprietary to the implementation. In that case, there will be a separate book.
Zcore Implementation Books
Zcore's Primary Use: Data Collection and Patient Intervention at the Point-of-care
Applications developed using the Zcore platform are well suited for point-of-care data entry by enabling the clinician to enter data from patient visits using a web browser. The application guides the clinician through the patient care process by feeding the most appropriate form after each form submission, depending on the data entered.
Zcore-based projects such as ZEPRS may support a mode of operation called "problem-based care" which alerts and reminds the clinician about potential patient issues. When a form is submitted, the system checks each value to see if it triggers a problem. If a problem is triggered, the system saves the problem in the database and alerts the user in the Problem list, which is to the right of each form.
Demo site
You may experience a Zcore-based system by accessing the ZEPRS Demo with the username "demo" and password "demo11" (remove quotes).
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