Customisation of Record Processing and Display Classes
Record Processing
Confirm that your project has a org.rti.zcore.projectname.dao.PersistenceDAOImpl; if it does not exist, copy org.rti.zcore.dao.PersistenceDAOImpl and create it. Modify org.rti.zcore.projectname.dao.PersistenceDAOImpl to customise processing of a submitted form. If the form submits values for the client's height, you may wish for that value to be updated on the patient table.
switch (formFieldId) { case 490: // sex change? PatientDAO.updateSex(conn, patientId, value); break; case 159: // height PatientDAO.updateHeight(conn, patientId, value); break; case 2279: // sex change? updateAgeCategory(conn, patientId, value); break; case 2540: // updates dead col in patient table. if (value == 1) { // set to true PatientDAO.updateDead(conn, patientId, true); } else { PatientDAO.updateDead(conn, patientId, false); } break; }
You may also override some of the zcore classes, substituting custom classes in This will affect the generation of dynaStrutsConfig.xml:
# Used for generation of dynaStrutsConfig in GenerateStrutsConfig. If empty, will default to org.rti.zcore.struts.action.FormAction # Used for generation of dynaStrutsConfig in GenerateStrutsConfig. If empty, will default to org.rti.zcore.struts.action.FormDisplayAction dynasite.struts.form.display=org.rti.zcore.dar.struts.action.FormDisplayAction # Used for generation of dynaStrutsConfig in GenerateStrutsConfig. If empty, will default to org.rti.zcore.struts.action.ListAction dynasite.struts.listform.display=org.rti.zcore.dar.struts.action.ListAction # Used for generation of dynaStrutsConfig in GenerateStrutsConfig. If empty, will default to org.rti.zcore.struts.action.PatientRecordListAction dynasite.struts.patientlistform.display=org.rti.zcore.dar.struts.action.PatientRecordListAction
Custom Flows
It is necessary to create a custom PatientHomeAction for your project. PatientHomeAction forwards the user to the most logical flow when clicking a link from the search results. Be sure to change the action in struts-config.xml as well:
action path="/patientHome" type="org.rti.zcore.tims.struts.action.PatientHomeAction"
Other Custom Classes
Other classes are typically copied from zcore-base and modified. Remember to change the package in the controller (struts-config.xml).
- HomeAction - Home page
- PatientSearchDAO - customise the query used for Search on the Home page.
- CreateTestPatientAction - Create test records
- ChooseReportAction - Reports menu
- PatientTaskAction - optional - only if you need to change the default task listing (based on flowId)
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