Translation Resources
Some notes on how to access translated strings:
Translated string may be accessed from DynaSiteObjects:
HashMap messageResources = DynaSiteObjects.getLocaleMessageMap();
String translatedKey = locale + "." + pageItem.getForm().getClassname() + "." + pageItem.getForm_field().getIdentifier()+"_"+ fieldEnumeration.getId().toString();
String translatedValue = (String) messageResources.get(translatedKey);
Accessing the user's locale via DWL (AJAX):
Locale sessionLocale = (Locale) exec.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getAttribute("org.apache.struts.action.LOCALE");
sessionLocale is also availble upon every request for Actions that extend BaseAction and BasePatientAction/
Locale: ${sessionLocale}
From jstl bean:message on jsp file:
Items in the template are in the TemplateResources bundle. Strings in jsp pages are in the ApplicationResources bundle:
<bean:message bundle="ApplicationResources" key=""/>
String for each form are in the form's classnameMessages bundle:
<bean:message key="${encounterForm.classname}.label" bundle="${encounterForm.classname}Messages" />