• warning: DOMXPath::query(): Invalid expression in /var/www/ictedge/sites/all/modules/print/lib/dompdf-0.5.1/include/stylesheet.cls.php on line 573.
  • warning: DOMXPath::query(): Invalid expression in /var/www/ictedge/sites/all/modules/print/lib/dompdf-0.5.1/include/stylesheet.cls.php on line 573.
  • warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/ictedge/sites/all/modules/print/lib/dompdf-0.5.1/include/stylesheet.cls.php on line 575.


ZEPRS uses the "template" tag to apply template to pages. For examples, the jsp page, encounter_form.jsp, which provides the view for most of the forms, has the following code:

<c:when test="${! empty param.template}">
<c:set var="template" value="/WEB-INF/templates/template-print.jsp"/>
<c:set var="template" value="/WEB-INF/templates/template.jsp"/>
<template:insert template='${template}'>

The print template is not used anymore - it was for an earlier version of the app that has a "print version" link.

The most commonly-used template is template.jsp. Templates are at web/zeprs/WEB-INF/templates.