Delivery/Postnatal Care
The delivery Summary form has two parts. First, you need to identify the newborns in the section at the top of the page dedicated to that task. Next, you provide any other delivery summary information in the section below.
After you submit the delivery summary form, the system will feed you a series of forms that lead to discharging the mother:
Infant discharge summary or Still birth record
Maternal discharge summary
If there were any problems during the course of delivery, the system will feed you a Postnatal Infant or Maternal Visit form.
After the Maternal Discharge Summary is submitted, the system sends you to the Delivery Summary task list, which indicates that you’re done.
If the next visit for this patient is a typical postnatal visit, fill out a Postnatal Maternal visit form, as well as a Postnatal Infant form. Here’s how you access these forms:
Postnatal Maternal visit form: click “Delivery/Postnatal” link on side nav, and select this form.
Postnatal Infant form: click the link to the infant on the left nav strip, and then click “Delivery/Postnatal” link on side nav, and select this form.
Most of the forms you’ll need during postnatal care are available from the “Delivery/Postnatal” link on the left nav. Just keep in mind that if you need to submit a form for the infant, be sure to click the link to the infant from the left nav, if you’re currently viewing the mother. Of course, you may also click the link to the infant from the home page if it’s displayed in the search results.
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