Checking SyncEvent progress

The Subscriptions page displays progress of each sync:

Update log w/ link to SyncEvent log file

The "Link to SyncEvent log" column links to each sync event log. Viewing this log can be useful for diagnosing problems. If the link does not work, you may be experiencing a locale mis-match. Adding a <fmt:setLocale value="en_US"/> to the subscription.jsp page may correct improper formatting done by the setting of the path to the archive here: 

                 <fmt:formatDate value="${log.builddate}" pattern="yyyy/MMM/W" var="archivePath"/>

Verifying imports

Remote sites keep a log of each import and upload this file the next time it syncs with the master server. The Verify SyncEvent page enables the user to view these logs. This page also displays SyncEvents that have not yet been Synchronized. The Import Timestamp field is empty if the record has not yet been imported.

Verify SyncEvent page

Errors in the import process are also displayed:

Error displayed on Verify Form page.