Navigating the Application
Zcore-based applications are designed to help the user navigate the application. The system provides a "wizard" style of navigation, feeding the user all of the forms necessary. If the application does not send the user to another form, either the session is complete or the user must decide the next form.
Basic Navigation sequence
Login to the system, search for your patient. Click link to begin working with your patient.
Usually the system will load the correct form. If you need to do something else, the navigation is easy to understand:
The Home link lets you find another patient.
Patient flows: the forms you use during most patient visits. They correspond to different phases of care ("flows").
Reports and Administrative section
When you’re done with your data entry for the day, please click the last link – logout.
System-generated alerts
After a form is submitted, the system checks the data to see if it should alert the user of any issues, suggest a referral (in the case of a perinatal system like ZEPRS), or inform you what forms need to be filled out next (Missing forms). The system presents a small task list (or to-do list) to the right of every form that displays these alerts. If you click on one of these links, you are taken to the Problem list, where you can comment on the problem, mark the problem as inactive, or view the record that triggered the problem.
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