Pregnancy Conclusion
The form "Pregnancy Conclusion" is used to terminate a pregnancy and persist values for the pregnancy end date and comments. These values are persisted by FormDAO whenever form71 is submitted. The field id’s are hardcoded, so be careful.
PatientStatus has a currentPregnancy attribute for each patient. The following objects have pregnancy attributes:
- EncounterData (encounter table)
- Problem
- Comments
When a patient is loaded (after clicking link to patient) the current pregnancy is loaded into the session by PatientRecordAction. If the "pregnancy" key is sent in the request, that particular pregnancy is loaded into the session. If the current pregnancy is complete (if patient.getPatientStatusreport().getCurrentPregnancy().getDatePregnancyEnd() != null), then the zeprs session object "pregnancy" is set to a new instance of an empty pregnancy object by PatientHomeAction. This forces the interface to reduce the link options on the left nav, provide the form to create a new pregnancy (Pregnancy Dating), and a link to History. Within the History section user may peruse Previous Pregnancies form to navigate other pregnancies that are in the ZEPRS system.
If you want to check if the pregnancy loaded into the session is active, try this:
<c:when test=\"${empty zeprs_session.datePregnancyEnd}\">
This is used to prevent any form entry when viewing a previous pregnancy.
If you are viewing a previous pregnancy, you may not create new problems; however, you may comment on a problem.
In the ZEPRS app, submitting the Newborn Evaluation form (form23) creates a new patient, with the parent_id of the current patient loaded in the session. This is done via DWR - there’s a small subform on the top of the Delivery Summary page that is used to create a newborn. This calls the remote class Newborn. PatientRecordUtils.createNewborn handles the db persistence.
Links to mother/children are in the Previous Pregnancies chart.
The form "Newborn Evaluation" creates a new patient (the infant) in the system. The application sets the Pregnancy of the infant equal to the mother’s pregnancy in FormDAO:
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