Reflex Register
The Reflex Register has two "views" - one that show a simple listing of patients on ARV's, and a detailed report that lists each patient's ARV-related visits. When the report runs, it first fetches a list of all Counsel visits. Then it fills in the ReflexPatient object with the following data:
- Positive HIV status from Safe Motherhood form, in case it was reported there.
- Most recent ARV Regimen visit (Visit date, CD4 count, WHO status, Referral to ART, PMTCT regimen
- Most recent CD4 count from Labs form
- Most recent Hgb status from Labs form
- Ega (pre-calculated from "daily_reflex_report " Stored procedure to hiv_report table in zeports db
- Date of next ANC visit from Routine Antenatal form (routineante table)
For the detailed report, the system fetches data that is stored in the hiv_report table in the zeports database. The "daily_reflex_report" stored procedure runs nightly.
Screenshot of print(abbreviated) version:
Screenshot of full version. Details of each of the client's ARV-related visits are boxed in red.
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