Cleaning and updating remote instances of standalone
Login to standalone server. Stop the zeprs service if it is running:
service zeprs stop
Check again that it is not running:
ps ax|grep java
If it is running, note the process id for the java process and kill it:
kill -9 (process id)
Enter the following commands to make a local connection to the database and clean it out. This will delete all of the records in the database and reset the autoincrement id's.
export DERBY_HOME=/var/www/zeprs_standalone/derby-bin
cd /var/www/zeprs_standalone/databases/scripts
/var/www/zeprs_standalone/derby-bin/ij local_conn_clean_db.sql > out.txt
Once this script has completed, review the file out.txt for any errors.
more out.txt
Indications of success:
ij> DELETE FROM problabor;
2 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> DELETE FROM anteultrasoundeval;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
WARNING 02000: No row was found for FETCH, UPDATE or DELETE; or the result of a query is an empty table.
Indications of failures:
Look for errors that indicate that the script was unable to delete records due to foreign key conflicts.. Make sure that pregnancy and patient tables have successfully deleted their records - this is of the utmost importance.
You may either page though out.txt:
more out.txt
or just check that patient and pregnancy have been cleared out:
more out.txt|grep patient -A1
more out.txt|grep pregnancy -A1
There is also a version of clean_db that makes a network connection to the derby database. This is useful if the server is currently running; however, the author recommends running the script when the app is not running and using the local connection.
You may also check counts for each table to confirm using scripts/table_counts.sql. This script makes a local connection to derby. Modify the connection string at the top of the script if you need to make a network connection.
/var/www/zeprs_standalone/derby-bin/bin/ij table_counts.sql > counts.txt
more counts.txt
Some of the user and site tables will have records. The author assumes you don't wish to delete records from these
Once you have confirmed that the derby database is clean, start zeprs
service zeprs start
Go to Form Admin and click "Clean Archive directories."
Next you should compact the database:
Note the large table sizes on the right side of the screenshot. Click link to Compact the database.
Result of compacting process - note zero-sized tables:
Next, click the link to Backup the database:
Result of backup operation displays the backup location:
Listing of files in backup directory:
Go to the master app (the ZEPRS server) and copy the url for the RSS feed for the site by going to Admin/Publisher Setup and scroll to the listing of site RSS feeds.
Copy the url of the standalone site's feed.
On the standalone app, go to Admin/Subscriptions and paste in the url of the feed:
After saving the subscription, click Import:
The system then returns a page that shows the "Import" link having changed to an "Update" link. In the background, the system is now importing patient records.
From the console, monitor progress of the import on the standalone
/root/ (a script that has tail -f /path-to-tomcat/logs/catalina.out)
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