Active tables in ZEPRS
Here's a sample model of the relationship between the encounter table and one of the table-backed forms:
The encounter table stores metadata about each table-backed form. The following tables are form-backed tables; they have the same relationship with the encounter table as displayed in the model above.
Label | Table name |
Patient Registration and Identification | patientRegistration |
Previous Pregnancies | prevPregnancies |
Laboratory Results | labResults |
Observations for Latent Phase of 1st Stage of Labour | latentFirstStageLabour |
Newborn Evaluation | newbornEval |
Postnatal Maternal Visit | postnatalMaternalVisit |
Postnatal Infant Problem Visit | probPostnatalInfant |
UTH Neonatal Case Record | uthNeonatalRecord |
Infant Physical Examination | infantPhysicalExam |
Still Birth Delivery Record | stillbirthDeliveryRecord |
Antenatal Ultrasound Evaluation | anteUltrasoundEval |
Current Medicine | currentMedicine |
Antenatal Hospitalization Summary | antesum |
Problem or Labor Visit | probLabor |
Delivery Summary | deliverySum |
Maternal Discharge Summary | maternalDischarge |
Medical/Surgical History | medSurgHist |
Pregnancy Conclusion | pregnancyEnd |
New Pregnancy | pregnancyBegin |
Update EGA | updateEGA |
Postnatal Hospitalization Summary | postnatalHosp |
Postnatal Ultrasound Evaluation | postUltrasound |
NICU Hospitalization Summary Form | nicuSummary |
Initial Visit Physical Exam | initialVisit |
Postnatal Maternal Problem Visit | probPostnatal |
Partograph | partographStatus |
Routine Antenatal Visits | routineAnte |
Puerperium | puerperium |
Pregnancy Dating | pregnancyDating |
Create Referral | createReferral |
Infant Discharge Summary | infantDischargeSummary |
Postnatal Infant Visit | postnatalInfant |
General Lab Studies | labTest |
Drug Interventions | drugIntervention |
Regimen Given Today | arvRegimen |
RPR | rpr |
Counseling Visit | smCounselingVisit |
Safe Motherhood Care | safeMotherhoodCare |
Ultrasound Fetus Evaluation | ultrasoundFetusEval |
Reasons for Referral | referral_reasons |
Attachment | Size |
arv_model.gif | 18.74 KB |
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