Examples of Zcore Implementations
Zcore may be adapted to suit multiple domains - from health care to legal case management. The following screenshots represent different implementations of the Zcore code base.
Perinatal Care
Zambia Electronic Perinatal Record System (ZEPRS) is being used by clinics and the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia to improve patient care.
Relationship between Mother and Child; Problem display
Pharmaceutical Supply Tracking
The Daily Activity Register (DAR) is a project based on Zcore™ that is currently being deployed in Nairobi, Kenya for the management of inventory in public health center pharmacies. RTI worked with the Provincial Pharmacist's Office to develop the software and training program that enables pharmacists to use this electronic system of stock control.
Dispensing of ARV's per Patient
Out-of-stock Warnings
Automated Stock Reports
Malaria Spraying
IRSA (Indoor Residual Spraying Application) assists projects in the collection and aggregation of data from remote field sites. Data for each day’s spraying, including details about each house spraying or the day’s spraying totals, is entered into the main form.
User interface using SWT widgets
Data uploaded to central reporting server
(Click for full image.)
The OpenMRS Integration project demonstrates interoperability between Zcore and OpenMRS, a community-developed, open-source, enterprise electronic medical record system framework
Legal Case Management
As part of the Women’s Justice Empowerment Initiative (WJEI) project in South Africa, RTI is working with the Sexual Offences and Community Affairs (SOCA) unit of the National Prosecuting Authority to build a case management system. The Thuthuzela Information Management System (TIMS) will be used to manage the legal, medical, and psycho-social cases at the Thuthuzela Care Centres (TCC's).
Link Perpetrator Record to Survivor
Inline forms to facilitate data entry
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